These free books are my personal biographies since the day I came to know the Lord Jesus. As I was struggling and frustrated with life, the Lord came to my rescue helping me overcome a series of obstacles on my path. He continues to do so everyday.
If you are going through the deepest valleys, highest mountains, over the roller coasters through the rugged roads of your life, I want you to know that you can depend upon Jesus and he will be with you all the time to help you overcome all the difficulties in your life to come out victoriously.
If you feel that your honest efforts and perseverance have failed and if you are on the verge of giving up or going into a wrong direction, then stop, wait and think and give one more try. Read these books, trust in the Lord and he will change your life. God will fill you with His Holy Spirit and help you experience his amazing peace, love and joy beyond understanding.
Jasmine Ghala
British Columbia, Canada

These free books are my personal biographies since the day I came to know the Lord Jesus. As I was struggling and frustrated with life, the Lord came to my rescue helping me overcome a series of obstacles on my path. He continues to do so everyday.
If you are going through the deepest valleys, highest mountains, over the roller coasters through the rugged roads of your life, I want you to know that you can depend upon Jesus and he will be with you all the time to help you overcome all the difficulties in your life to come out victoriously.
If you feel that your honest efforts and perseverance have failed and if you are on the verge of giving up or going into a wrong direction, then stop, wait and think and give one more try. Read these books, trust in the Lord and he will change your life. God will fill you with His Holy Spirit and help you experience his amazing peace, love and joy beyond understanding.
Jasmine Ghala
British Columbia, Canada

Health Information Videos by Robin Ghala

Poems by Shawn Ghala

Poem by Marion Garbe
These books: “Overcoming the hurdles of life” and “One blooming lotus in the midst of poison” are my personal biographies since the day I came to know Jesus. As I solved numerous difficulties of life, God gave me inspiration to write the books of my testimonies.
In Memory of my husband
My husband cared for us in his own loving way. When I suffered from allergies, colds and asthma, he taught me and encouraged me to do exercises. Often, it felt like he was disciplining me to do exercises, specifically asking me to skip a rope. Surprisingly, I came to realize that I was able to heal myself better through exercises compared to medicines.
Because of his love for outdoor activities, I was able to enjoy canoeing and sailing with him. I am proud of him to say that he skated on Rideau Canal from Dove’s Lake to the Parliament Hill twice a week every winter when we used to live there. He also encouraged me to go cross country skiing with him on Cypress Mountain. However, I could not keep up with him and couldn’t endure the cold.
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Download eBook Overcoming Hurdles Download eBook One Blooming Lotus